Chuck E Cheese Fundraiser!
December 20th 12PM-9PM
HUGE TURNOUT!!! Big thanks to everyone that came out and supported our school
HUGE TURNOUT!!! Big thanks to everyone that came out and supported our school
Planning in progress!
Stay tuned
Feb. 11, 2025 @ Omni Room 6:00 pm
Event organized by Third grade! Come in your PJ's! > For all students PreK to 3rd grade > RSVP with Jen at (609) 902-9959
Vice President of the CCO (year 1). Erin has a child in Kinder and 3rd grade
Vice President of the CCO (year 1). Melissa has a child in Kinder and 3rd grade
Treasurer (year 3). Nubia has a child in Kinder and a second grader.
Events Manager (year 1). Jocelyn has a child in 1st grade
Lead Class Parent. Jen has a child in 1st and 3rd grade